Upcoming Events

Character In Action Awards 2024

The Character Council will present three awards on Thursday, May 9th, 2024, 12pm (noon), a the Ag-Rec Centre (32470 Haida Drive).

> Nominate an adult or student here
> Register to attend the even here

$10 • Light lunch provided

Email List

Past Conferences



Key Elements: Joe Roberts (The Skidrow CEO), Local Expert Homelessness Panel, Two Abbotsford Graduates (Jory Smallenberg, Jasmit Singh Phulka)


How leading with character empowers community from the ground up.

Building our Foundation:

Keynote speakers: Barb Stegemann, CEO and Founder, The 7 Virtues and Mike Smith, Founder, Skate for Change & The Bay


Make Your Mark

How leading with Character makes a lasting impression.

Keynote speakers: Gregg Saretsky, CEO Westjet and Cassie Campbell, Olympic Gold medalist and Broadcaster.


Character Abbotsford exists to inspire individuals and strengthen our communities.

Ignite Conversation

Keynote speakers: Wab Kinew, Dr. Avis Glaze, and Peter Legge.